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Growth is your organization’s ladder or, to use the parlance of the day, career lattice. While a ladder displays only vertical movement between jobs, a career lattice, by contrast, contains both vertical and lateral movement between jobs and may reflect more closely the career paths of employees in the modern work environment. The ladder is the somewhat dated model of career growth. The lattice is the more prevalent path today.

Career development, on the other hand, includes things employees do to enhance or develop your career. It is just as important for professionals as it is for other types of employees—perhaps even more so. Professionals need solid credentials to instill trust in customers, but also must continuously polish and improve those credentials. Also, professionals have just as much ambition to take on new responsibilities as do other employee groups. Your organization figures financially benefits (increased revenue from new clients) when your professionals become known as “go to” people. That takes development, so your organization should implement a clear program to boost its expertise and management skills.



Leo ICT Cables PLC ( Leo Fiber TM ) is one of the largest Fiber Optic Cable manufacturing company situated in Bangabandhu Hi-Tech City, Kaliakoir, Gazipur- ‘ A project of Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority ( BHTPA)’.

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